Friday, February 09, 2007


Well, the countdown until my move has officially begun. I say goodbye to DM one week from today. Today is the last Friday I will work at my current job. Tonight is the last dinner I will have with all my DM girlfriends. It will be a week of lasts and goodbyes. How can someone be so sad and so excited all at the same time? 'Cause that's how I'm feeling. I know I'm going to probably cry a lot this week (tears well just thinking about it). I know I'm going to terribly miss so many loved ones- people who have shared their hearts, souls and lives with me (see previous blog). But I'm also excited for the new adventure that lays before me, despite the uncertainty it holds.

I want to give a big shout of THANKS to all the people that helped to make my birthday extra special. Between the gifts, the cards filled with laughter and tears and of course all the cheesecake, this will not be a day easily forgotten. Big Hugs to y'all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad i got to see you last week!
i hope everything is goes smoothly this weekend.
i love you!