Monday, March 12, 2007

No News is Good News...?

I don't have much to update you on, life is just going right now. I am almost settled into my apartment. My furniture arrives Saturday- YEAH! I bought a digital camera the end of last week- after my furniture arrives I'll take some pictures and post them so y'all can see where I'm living. I miss all of you more than any words can say!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Notes on Nashville

Well, I have lived here in Nashville for two weeks now and I've started noticing some interesting things (started this last week and am now finishing):

1) They close down and cancel school for ANYTHING. We had a tornado watch today and most of the schools sent the kids home at 12:30 to get them home before the storm hit. This so-called storm hasn't been much except for rain.

2) A lot of stores that you find everywhere else (including elsewhere in Tennessee) they do not have here and most people haven't even heard of them. For example: Ikea and World Market. They only have one Apple store, and Macs aren't that popular, most people use PCs here.

3) I have never seen crazier drivers. I have praised God every day that I arrive at each of my destinations safely and that my brakes continue to work well. I have had more people cut me off, almost taking the nose of my car with them. No one seems to have a turn signal on their car. If they do manage to find their turn signal, they act as though that gives them the complete right to turn or change lanes, even if there's not room or it's not their turn, etc. And if you and the rest of traffic aren't moving fast enough for them, they will find a way to get around you, even if it means charting their own road or pathway.

4) People only seem to be superficially friendly. They will say hi, even open the door for you, but that's the end of it. Then they quickly turn on their heel and run off in their own direction- forget trying to start a conversation with anyone. Though there are a few that still live up to the tradition of southern hospitality.

5) The water here is awful! It smells strongly of chlorine, no matter the temperature. And that smell quickly infuses your clothes, hair, skin, etc. I'm learning the benefits of perfume, scented lotions, scented hair products and other smelly things.

6) The houses here are incredible! I've never seen their equal anywhere in Iowa. There are some literal mansions and even castles. I cannot even begin to imagine what the interiors look like!

7) The weather is almost as ambiant as Iowa's. Instead of changing every five minutes, it changes about every 15, which can still keep you on your toes.

I'm not trying to state these things as negative, they are merely observations. There are some things about Iowa that I certainly miss (mainly the people I love!!!) I've said it before and I'll say it again: God has me here for a reason and in that knowledge I will rest secure (or at least try to). Miss y'all LOTS!!!