Monday, July 17, 2006

Life must go on...

This afternoon, while out and about, I ran into one of my girls from my pledge group. (For those of you that don't know, I have been a pledge group or small group leader for the Student Ministry at my church for the past two years.) It was so wonderful to see her! I miss my girls very much. We had grown pretty close over the past couple of years and now they are all leaving me behind as they venture off to college. I am excited as they continue their journies down life's path, but they will always hold a very special place in my heart. They were my girls.
We shared many special times, especially over Dr. Seuss (wink, wink)!
But, seeing my girl was just another reminder of how life must always move on. I realize that we live in a very transient society and the age/state of life that I am in tends to be even more so. I know that I won't stay here forever either, and I could never expect that from anyone else. God moves us on, showing us new pathways, new prospects, new plans, new possibilities. When He prods us forward, we must answer His call and move forward. Sometimes it will hurt, as we must leave those we love behind, but the reward will always be greater!


Anonymous said...

good post.
sometimes we don't move out of fear of leaving all things familiar behind.
but God does have the bigger picture in mind! praise him for that!

Jake said...

welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.

Anonymous said...

heather! i am going to miss you so much. it's already weird not seeing you every wednesday. i love you so much. and you made more of an impact on my life than you'll ever know.
