Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone! I hope y'all had a wonderful weekend filled with family, friends, food- mostly easter candy! Mine was, as my family came to visit for several days. It was quite cozy as we all squeezed into my tiny apartment and tried to cook Easter dinner in my miniscule kitchen. Then a dear friend, Robert-a student at Belmont-joined us for dinner. It was great to see him and share in the holiday.

I'm sorry I haven't updated for awhile, but I haven't had much time to be at Panera lately. I wish I could find another place to go; as much as I like Panera, you can only sit there for so long. Then when I do get here, I've had so much business to take care of that I haven't had time to do the fun stuff, including reply to emails. So, if you are patiently awaiting a reply from me, I promise I will write soon. And I promise a VERY large blog soon with pictures! (I have new ones from my first.) Also, my first trip for work is this week, so I should have pictures from that also.

Love and Miss Y'all VERY MUCH!!!