Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I just might stay...

I took a major step (for me) in establishing myself in the community last night. I got a library card. And this has brought a new weight of responsibility. I am now a resident of Davidson County and in the neighborhood of the Edmonson branch. Of course I do already have a Tennessee driver's license and Tennessee plates and am registered to vote here. But my anonymity had stayed intact. I didn't feel anonymous anymore after last night. I felt eyes peering at me around every corner. Felt them boring straight through my pretense. I was uncomfortable, to say the least. I know, I sounds ridiculous. Of course, no one was really paying attention to me beyond the occasional glance as I moved past them. Yet, I still couldn't shake the feeling of being naked in a room full of people. So, I suppose if I'm going to expose myself to the local populace, I might as well stay.

To leave off with a quote, something befitting (quoted on French-Word-A-Day blog):
...quelquefois...mon esprit joue, et quelquefois je ris et fais la moue... mind plays, and sometimes I laugh and pull a face (pout)...
--from "Oeuvres de Scarron," by Paul Scarron

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