This week is Premiere week for almost every major television network. This week makes me giddy. I love to watch season premieres of my favorite returning shows and the series premieres for new shows. I don't watch all of them; I pick and choose what I think I will like best. This year I decided to do a little research before the start of the fall season. During my long, boring hours of sitting at a desk with nothing to do, I watched the previews for all the new shows. Several have caught my eye.
Monday- Chuck on NBC, thought it was somewhat funny. Will give it another try.
Big Bang Theory on CBS, was laughing out loud! Especially like the tall, skinny guy.
K-Ville on Fox, wasn't going to watch this one, but found it while flipping through. Have seen 1 1/2 episodes now and kinda like it. But it's another cops-on-the-edge (of the law) show. I don't think I'll be loyal to this one, but may catch it now and again.
Tuesday- NCIS on CBS, been a loyal watcher since the beginning, though I'm not too sure about some of the new twists. Guess I'll have to just keep watching.
Bones on Fox, also been a loyal watcher since the beginning, but I'm frustrated about it changing to Tuesdays (see dilemma below)
House on Fox, I catch this one now and again, though I don't like that they got rid of his feels weird.
Reaper on CW, this show is HILARIOUS!!! Lovin' It!
Wednesday- Bionic Woman on NBC, really liked the pilot; but then I always like shows where girls get to kick a little bootie!
Life on NBC, wasn't planning to watch this one, but caught part of the pilot and my curiosity was piqued. May watch again.
Dirty, Sexy, Money on ABC, not a show I plan to watch. I just can't handle all that drama!
Thursday- Only the greatest night on Television!
SURVIVOR on CBS, liking the miserable conditions in China and like the idea behind going with exactly the clothes on your back, but don't like the outcome. (EW!)
CSI on CBS, always a good show, good carry-over premiere from last season.
My Name is Earl on NBC, not sure where this jail thing's gonna go or for how long. Could get kinda boring.
The Office on NBC, was very excited about Jim & Pam, but this show is part of my major dilemma- see below.
Big Shots on ABC, love the fact that you've got Dylan McDermott AND Michael Vartan, but seeing just part of this show has left me feeling dirty and sorta disgusted.
Friday- Obviously haven't seen these yet, but most are returning...
Numb3rs on CBS, another show I've been loyal to since the beginning. I enjoy David Krumholz and the start of this season looks to be exciting.
Las Vegas on NBC, yet another show I've watched since the beginning and this show is lovingly known as Los Wages to my favorite former roommate Kalee and I- I watch this show in memory of our roomie nights.
Women's Murder Club on ABC, looks very intriguing and again, women are kickin' some bootie!
Moonlight on CBS, it's a vampire show!!! Anyone who knows me should guess that I'd watch this one.
Shows yet to Air- 30Rock on NBC, this show makes me laugh
New Amsterdam on Fox, looks exciting.
Life is Wild on CW, I'm hoping for a family show.
Supernatural on CW, I'll have to wait for the DVDs...
Ok, so I know this shows how utterly non-existent my social life is right now, but what's a girl to do in a big new city without her beloved friends? (Although, I'd be watching TV with them in DM.)
On to my dilemma: a couple of weeks ago as I was rewinding a tape (VHS) that I had been watching, my VCR began to make some not-so-good noises. Then it wouldn't eject my tape. Needless to say, that tape was eaten by the machine and another after it. It was suggested to me that it just needed to be cleaned. So, I took off the cover and proceeded to thoroughly and carefully clean all the heads. With the cover still off, I tried another tape. Much to my disappointment, I sat watching as my VCR was unable to play the tape. Two pieces were broken. I did all that I could, but had to concede defeat. This began my shopping extravaganza.
I looked online, in stores, read reviews and talked to people. I gathered as much info as I could. Of course, you can't buy just a VCR anymore, you can only buy them in DVD combos. Realizing how quickly this form of technology was becoming obsolete, I thought it would be best to get a DVD recorder/VCR combo so I can transfer my many videos to DVD. (Hey, it'll take up less space too!) With the intention to buy, I entered a store. I wanted to make the best purchase possible. As I stood looking at the selections, a store employee approached me to help. After a brief discussion, I was very disappointed to discover that though I may purchase one of these machines, it would be useless with my old analog (I believe this is the correct term) TV. Everything is digital these days and he said there wasn't a converter.
So, I am stuck with no way to tape shows on television. This means I can't see in complete many of the shows that I have been loyal to since their beginnings as I am forced to flip between multiple channels. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays have changed from fun TV nights to frustrating. And my Lifegroup meets every other Friday night, so I'll miss shows then too.
I realize I will survive and and will probably be better for it. This is all just sad commentary on my currently droll life...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
My Mis-Adventure in downtown Nashville...
This past Friday night I was all set for my first night-time excursion to downtown Nashville...or so I thought. A friend from Iowa was playing with a band at a place called 12th and Porter. I tried to do as much research before that night as I could. I read about the band, I searched information about the location and even directions. The one thing I missed though- parking. I'm not sure what I was thinking (or if I even was).
As I approached the venue area, I began scanning the surrounding lots and areas for a relatively safe and close parking space. I followed the flow of traffice into a lot just around the corner from my final destination. It was a parking lot with numbered spaces and a high chainlink fence topped with barbed wire. That should have been my first clue or red flag. But this night my mind was somewhere else, absorbed in thoughts of the evening.
I entered the venue, only to find it was a bar with very few people. I noticed some people going through another doorway and inquired whether the band would be performing through there. The answer I received was affirmative, from a small creepy man I might add. So, I paid my cover and walked through the doorway into an almost completely empty room. There was a stage set with musical equipment, a sound booth area at the back and there was a bar on the side. But there were only two other people there. I started to have second thoughts about this venture.
I was to learn later that concerts on this particular stage generally start an hour after the appointed time. So, eventually other people began pouring through the door. This included a friend from church that was a fan of the groups playing and knew people in each. At long last, the show began and I enjoyed the live music immensely. It has been a long time since I've been to a concert.
A little after 11 pm, the music was still going strong, but my friend and I both decided to leave. (We were actually in the back yawning, despite our enjoyment of the music.) We said good-bye to our performing friends and made our way outside. We bade each other adieu and went to our cars in opposite directions. As I approached the entrance to the lot where my car was parked a feeling of dread washed over me. For inhibiting my path was a large gate that had been chained and padlocked to the fence. This was not the kind of gate you could climb over, at least not easily, it was an extension of the fence. I looked to my right and to my left, hoping for an opening I may have earlier missed. There was none I could see. I quickly called my friend (before she could drive too far from the area) and explained my dilemma. Please note that we were not in the best neighborhood. She came around the corner and I climbed into her car. We drove all around the lot searching for anything: an opening, a sign with a name or a phone number, anything other than the giant NO PARKING sign I had evidently overlooked before. One relief through all of this was that my car was still there.
After doing all we could think of with our sleep-deprived minds, we finally accepted defeat and she drove me back to my apartment. She tried to offer words of comfort and encouragement. She even offered some names and phone numbers of people I could call to get a ride the next day (she was going to be out of town). I slowly walked into my home and climbed into bed. I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was my poor car feeling deserted in that lot. Needless to say, I only slept about 2 hours that night.
The next morning I called my parents seeking comfort and wisdom. Though in all honesty, there was nothing they could do or say. I ended up calling a taxi and riding with a man from India (I know this from the India flag prominently displayed) back to that not-so-safe neighborhood hoping and frantically praying that the gate would be open and my car would be there. God heard my prayers that morning, for there in the budding sunlight sat my car behind a wide-open gate. I paid the cabbie and almost ran to my car. Relief washed over me as I heard my locks click open and I climbed into the driver's seat. I kissed the steering wheel in appreciation and promised my precious car that I would clean her soon...I have been neglecting her lately.
All in all, everything turned out alrigh and it was some good lessons learned and only cost me a $30 cab ride. But I will probably think twice before accepting my next invitation to downtown Nashville.
As I approached the venue area, I began scanning the surrounding lots and areas for a relatively safe and close parking space. I followed the flow of traffice into a lot just around the corner from my final destination. It was a parking lot with numbered spaces and a high chainlink fence topped with barbed wire. That should have been my first clue or red flag. But this night my mind was somewhere else, absorbed in thoughts of the evening.
I entered the venue, only to find it was a bar with very few people. I noticed some people going through another doorway and inquired whether the band would be performing through there. The answer I received was affirmative, from a small creepy man I might add. So, I paid my cover and walked through the doorway into an almost completely empty room. There was a stage set with musical equipment, a sound booth area at the back and there was a bar on the side. But there were only two other people there. I started to have second thoughts about this venture.
I was to learn later that concerts on this particular stage generally start an hour after the appointed time. So, eventually other people began pouring through the door. This included a friend from church that was a fan of the groups playing and knew people in each. At long last, the show began and I enjoyed the live music immensely. It has been a long time since I've been to a concert.
A little after 11 pm, the music was still going strong, but my friend and I both decided to leave. (We were actually in the back yawning, despite our enjoyment of the music.) We said good-bye to our performing friends and made our way outside. We bade each other adieu and went to our cars in opposite directions. As I approached the entrance to the lot where my car was parked a feeling of dread washed over me. For inhibiting my path was a large gate that had been chained and padlocked to the fence. This was not the kind of gate you could climb over, at least not easily, it was an extension of the fence. I looked to my right and to my left, hoping for an opening I may have earlier missed. There was none I could see. I quickly called my friend (before she could drive too far from the area) and explained my dilemma. Please note that we were not in the best neighborhood. She came around the corner and I climbed into her car. We drove all around the lot searching for anything: an opening, a sign with a name or a phone number, anything other than the giant NO PARKING sign I had evidently overlooked before. One relief through all of this was that my car was still there.
After doing all we could think of with our sleep-deprived minds, we finally accepted defeat and she drove me back to my apartment. She tried to offer words of comfort and encouragement. She even offered some names and phone numbers of people I could call to get a ride the next day (she was going to be out of town). I slowly walked into my home and climbed into bed. I couldn't sleep. All I could think of was my poor car feeling deserted in that lot. Needless to say, I only slept about 2 hours that night.
The next morning I called my parents seeking comfort and wisdom. Though in all honesty, there was nothing they could do or say. I ended up calling a taxi and riding with a man from India (I know this from the India flag prominently displayed) back to that not-so-safe neighborhood hoping and frantically praying that the gate would be open and my car would be there. God heard my prayers that morning, for there in the budding sunlight sat my car behind a wide-open gate. I paid the cabbie and almost ran to my car. Relief washed over me as I heard my locks click open and I climbed into the driver's seat. I kissed the steering wheel in appreciation and promised my precious car that I would clean her soon...I have been neglecting her lately.
All in all, everything turned out alrigh and it was some good lessons learned and only cost me a $30 cab ride. But I will probably think twice before accepting my next invitation to downtown Nashville.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
At Home in Iowa...
Last weekend I spent back in my homestate of Iowa. I know most people don't think much of Iowa, but it is my home. Though I really like living in Nashville, and look forward to my future here, Iowa will always be my hometown. I loved seeing and catching up with so many people I love. I know I didn't get to see everyone, but please know that I love all of you very much and miss you. I will be coming back at Thanksgiving- so if you're going to be around, let me know. Below are a few pictures I took on my way to the airport to remind me of green, soybeans and corn. (If they are blurry, it's because I took them from the car while it was moving.) Love to Iowa and Love to all my friends and family there.

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